A service provider with integrity that offers individualised Person-Centered care and support that is of exceptional quality. Liveway provides support for adults with ...

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Young Persons Services

Young Persons Services

Discover how our compassionate care can make a difference in their lives today!

Our Mission

Through Therapeutic approach intervention, in a family centered environment with compassionate carers, we aim to provide high quality care for the young persons in our care to improve their quality of life.

Adventures & Treats

Access to Sport & Leisure Activities. Vacation & Holiday trips (national & international destinations). Gaming Experience. Exciting trips to watch English Premier League

The Team

Members of our team work collectively to ensure the Safeguarding of all Young Persons through Person Centered Approach that suits their care and support needs. Our team consist of Social worker, Clinical and Forensic Psychologists, Nurses, Reg 44 Specialists and Teachers. Our team are well trained with experience in supporting and caring for young persons with challenging behaviours, DOLS, mental health, Learning Disabilities and Autism to improve their quality of life through Therapeutic Approach and Person Centered Care.

Our Facilities

Liveway Healthcare Children Homes are equipped with modern infrastructures designed to comfort and to meet the needs of young persons. We provides services that ensure the high quality of care that promote better quality of life, including solo placements. All homes are ligature and harm free, ranging from 1 to 3 bedroom.

Stakeholders & Partnerships

Local Authorities. Commissioners. CAMHS. Young Persons' Advocates. Appointees, IST Teams. Police